Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Get me outta here!

So I started the New Year off with a bang and came to Japan. I spent one week preparing for customer to visit me at my companies manufacturing facilities’, then one week working/wine/dine/entertaining the customer, and now one week cleaning up all the action items the customer was handing out like cookies to anyone who wandered near our conference room.

I'm tired and I wanna go home! I leave tomorrow after having been here for 21 or 22 days. Too long for me. I prefer the two week trips much more than the three week trips. The food is wonderful, but last night I found myself pondering eating from the local 7-11 just because I haven't eaten there yet. (I came to my senses.) Instead, I went to a new restaurant, one with bright shiny pictures of the food. It was terrible! While I paid attention to the menu before I entered, I didn't pay attention to the clientele. 80% school age children. Last week I was dining on Kobe beef, this week-not so much so. Anyway, the food was pretty nasty, but, at least it was somewhere new where most folks didn't seem to be bothered by my presence.

I'm not sure what I'm going to eat tonight....

Tomorrow I fly home, so I can sleep in an extra hour in the morning. Thank goodness. I'm whipped. I think (haven't calculated) that this is two 80-90hr work weeks in a row.

I think I can, I think I can...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Imperial Palace

I took my customer to visit the Imperial Palace. I should get a second job as a tour guide of historic Tokyo. (A tour guide that doesn't speak the native language.) I could just make things up about the tour....


Monday, January 11, 2010

Time flies...

I'm tired. I had hopes that I would come back to work this year with a renewed sense of energy and excitement. I haven't. I'm just weary and want to do something else. I haven't sold anything in nearly 18 months. I can hear the clock ticking (my career expiration clock) in the background. Tick tock, tick tock.

I prayed for a few years that God would help me find another job, but at the same rate of pay. I think my prayer this year is just that I need to find another job. I suppose I should start looking, but I don't really even know what else I would do if I wasn't in this line of work.

I've been in (night/distance) school now for almost three years. Last term was a complete bust. My father had a stroke so I spent a lot of time dealing with that, and no time dealing with school. For the first time in my adult life I earned a "F" in a college course. I tried to bail out of the course, but wasn't able to since I had missed the dead line.

So all in all, this doesn't look like a very exciting way to start the year.