Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

Father’s day has come and gone, and this year was a year to remember. Two of the kids spent the previous night at the house, so we stayed up late and watched a movie. The next morning they got up early and grabbed an Americano for me at Starbucks (being predictable in my beverage choice pays off!) and cooked breakfast for me (The house was filled with smoke! How can you do that with French toast anyway?) . I had to look around the breakfast table and smile a bit. Next year at this time, one daughter will be away in college and the other daughter will have gotten married and moved to Georgia or Nevada (military) to start a life on her own.

I’m so very happy that I had one last Fathers day exactly like that with my daughters before we all move on to the next stage of life. The next stage of life will be fine, but it won’t be like this, (daughters in the kitchen cussing over a French toast crisis) so I suppose I’m a little bit sad.

If I had one memory of Father’s day to file away in my memory banks to draw against on a rainy day, this was it. It was a good way to round out this stage of parenthood.


Chris S said...

Ahhhh, Steve it makes me sad for you. Your daughters are such a blessing....cussing and all.

sangarv said...

I think it's just part of life, and while I'm sad, I think it's ok. I'm glad that it was a good day! Things change and everyone moves on with life, ya?