So its official, when I look at my passport, I do spend a lot of time in Japan. A couple of trips a year, a decade or so of travel to Japan, and it adds up to a lot of time here I've reached the point where I'm no longer interested in the mundane; I'm seeking out that which is quizzical, that which titillates my intellect.
I’m pleased to present “Nose Mints”. I love it with a passion. Not the mint itself, just the concept. I saw it last night in an AM/PM and just had to purchase it. It was only a few hundred Yen, no matter. It could have cost 1000 Yen and I’d still quickly purchased it.
I whipped it out at dinner tonight with out a second thought and proudly presented it to my colleges, all who whom happened to be Japan virgins. They had been in country only a matter of a few short hours, and the Nose Mints was too much. One would have thought that that I’d passed horrifically malodorous flatulence from the horrified looks on my colleagues scowling faces.
Relax, have a home brew, it’s just Nose Mints.