I spent nine days relaxing on various beaches in Hawaii! I came home with sand stuck between my toes, both sets of fingers stuck in a hang loose position ….and went right back to work within two hours of landing.
During the holiday I was able to strip off some of the protective insulation that I coat myself with to survive work. Now I’m back at work….and once again questioning how it is that I came to do what I do for a living.
I was right back on the road last week too. It was hard to come home from vacation one day, and turn around and fly out the next day. The hotel room was too quiet, the food wasn’t any good and the bed was lumpy. I was missing Grace something fierce, but unable to communicate to her how much I missed her, and why. I just fell into a poor me/grumpy mode.
Boil was acting like himself, explaining to Bob why we should do things his way instead of mine on a new project. My stomach acid was already boiling quite nicely already that day so I just said to “We’ll just do what you want, that’s what we’ll end up doing anyway.” Bob was upset with my answer, but I didn’t care.
Bob continues to play the game of ignoring the disconcerting fact that Boil wants to fight. Boil will fight with waiters, waitresses, cab drivers, customers, potential customers, co-workers, anyone. I’m viewed as a trouble maker because I’m willing to fight back once in awhile. How does that work?
I just need a few weeks to once again reach that comfortable state of numbness that defines my work life.
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